
December 7, 2010


菅原一剛写真展「The Bright Forest」sous les etoiles The Gallery N.Y.にて開催


2010年12月9日から2011年1月29日まで、ニューヨークにおける菅原一剛初の個展「The Bright Forest」がsous les etoiles The Galleryにて行われます。
今回はPace/MacGill Gallery (N.Y.)で展示された25枚の湿板写真[Gaujmaru#01]、イタリア・サンマルコ広場の回廊に立ち並ぶ「柱」を撮影した作品[Piazza di San Marco]そして[TSUBAKI]の約17点が発表されます。

December 9 2010 - January 29 2011

Opening Reception Thursday December 9 6-9PM
Sous Les Etoiles The Gallery
560 Broadway #205 NYC 10012

101207b.jpgIchigo Sugawara,  The Bright Forest
In Baudelaire's collection, "Les fleurs du mal," the poem Correspondences suggests that our daily world is a forest of pillars that supports a temple in which everything reverberates. Various scents mix and create new life.
In the Bright Forest series, Ichigo Sugawara presents a true figure of nature, the reflection of the world and the way of living as a human being. Through his contemplative approach to the universe, nature is presented in The Pillars from the Piazza di San Marco and the Tsubaki as a jointly sacred place reflecting a mystical experience. The pillars, though all the same, have weathered into their own unique personalities through time much like humans. The Tsubaki, (meaning camellia in Japanese) have a special status in the tea ceremony, which was developed as a transformation process of the self, growing with its own aesthetic based on quietness, respect and harmony. These symbols unify and connect each other through a gradual and psychological experience, forming bridges between their vision, meaning and hidden sense.
Sugawara states, "I am still spending my days faced with various objects. When i work with something new and different, I find, fortunately, bright places, a warm place on the other side of the forest. And that arises almost as a logical necessity and has a great deal of explanatory power."
Currently, Ichigo Sugawara's work is included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, USA, The National Library of France in Paris, The Kobe Fashion Museum in Kobe, Japan and The Gunma Prefectural Museum of History.
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